person > bibliography



"Olim 90" National Exhibition of Olim Artists, Zionist Organization of America
Tel-Aviv, Israel. Catalog. Curator Dalia Levin 1990

"Abstraction" (4 Olim artists from the Sovjet Union) by Sanford Sivitz Shaman
Haifa, Israel 1991

"Квадратура круга" В. Виноградов, И. Жагоров, В. Коневин, В. Савченко, М. Тибилов -
группа питерских художников в Лондоне, Каталог к выставке. Статья М. Германа
Куратор В. Перц, Мраморный дворец, Санкт-Петербург, Russia 1992

"A New Home, a New Light" Catalog for exposition of immigrant artists. Curator Jan Rauchwerger
Tel-Aviv, Israel 1993

"Expressions of Freedom" Catalog Gallery Exodus.
Jerusalem, Israel 1993

"Valery Konevin"
Nurenberg, Germany 1994

Nikon Photo Contest IntemationaI 1998 (photos). Nikon Corporation
Tokyo, Japan

"Joodse Sporen in Oostende" (photos) Pandora publishing
Antwerpen, Belgium 2000

"Vergeten Deugden" by Martine Meire (photos) De Windroos publishing
Beernem, Belgium 2002

"Not strictly Rubens" "The Royal Balley of Flanders" (photos)
Antwerpen, Belgium 2003

"40 maal anders" (stadbestuur van Oostende) (photos)
Oostende, Belgium 2006

"De russische beer en de belgische leeuw" Davidsfonds. Red. E. Waegemans
Belgium 2005


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